Rome: The Fascination of Art and History by Giancarlo Gasponi
Rome: The Fascination of Art and History by Giancarlo Gasponi PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Giancarlo Gasponi was born in Rome, where he lives and works. From artistic studies, he devoted himself to painting for a long time. An audiovisual program on the history of ancient art, which he designed, is acquired by several museums and universities in Europe.Giancarlo Gasponi is a photographer of international renown.The "Eternal City" is beautifully captured in the photographs of Gasponi's book. Some of the sites covered include the Flavian Amphitheatre (Coliseum), the Vatican, the forum, and the Tiber River amongst others. Included are beautifully detailed photos of the Vatican.From reader reviews:
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