Reconstructing Reality: Book Two of Visions from Venus by Suzanne Lie
Reconstructing Reality: Book Two of Visions from Venus by Suzanne Lie PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Most of us do not remember that we have volunteered to remember our multidimensional heritage and unite with our true SELF in the higher worlds. Remembering this unity would be difficult indeed with the knowledge of only one lifetime. Fortunately, as we each begin to awaken, we remember our “past lives”. These “past lives” are actually all occurring at the same “time” in different space-time coordinates. Shature, the main character, is studying on the fifth dimension and acting as the Higher Self to her different, third dimensional lives. Shature does this by entering into a dome, which allows her to interface with the physical world. As she moves through these layers of multidimensional love, she discovers what she was and who she is meant to be.From reader reviews:
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