Civility Unleashed: Using Civility to Survive and Thrive in the Workplace by Diana Damron
Civility Unleashed: Using Civility to Survive and Thrive in the Workplace by Diana Damron PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Civility isn’t just the newest touchy-feely catchphrase. It’s a power that costs absolutely nothing and yet transforms people, businesses, and personal relationships. Civility invokes trust, heals wounded relationships, and invites safety and honesty into conversations. It saves money, headaches, lawsuits, and reputations. Within these pages, you’ll discover what incivility costs American businesses and employees beyond dollars and cents, what to do if you find yourself on the business end of incivility, and most importantly, how to unleash the civility within yourself.From reader reviews:
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