Selasa, 08 September 2015

PDF⋙ Miller's Antiques Encyclopedia by Judith Miller

Miller's Antiques Encyclopedia by Judith Miller

Miller's Antiques Encyclopedia

Miller's Antiques Encyclopedia by Judith Miller PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A new edition of the bible of the antiques world - the most accessible, authoritative and trusted antiques reference book available. This new edition reflects changes in the antiques market since 2008. Clearly and logically organized by period and a type, it is packed with practical and useful information and hundreds of photographs. It explains materials, marks and techniques; provides clues to identification and dating; and offers hints on what to consider when examining antiques. The huge breadth of material covers everything from 18th century chairs to 20th century Barbie dolls, Art Deco sculpture to ancient Chinese ceramics, and toy robots to the ever popular Mid-Century Modern. Indispensable to industry professionals and collectors, it is also accessible to beginners and a useful resource for eBay users.

First published in 1998, Miller's Antiques Encyclopedia has gone to sell more than 130,000 copies and remains an invaluable aid to collecting.

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